Can You Sing a HIGH C Without Straining? was the first book in publishing history to explain how high notes are produced and why anyone with a healthy voice can extend their range to sing a high C without straining. Singers and teachers of singing worldwide use Can You Sing a HIGH C Without Straining? as a reference standard for learning how to sing high notes comfortably and safely. If you sing, you should read this book.
The latest edition of Can You Sing a HIGH C Without Straining? has been significantly updated with detailed explanations about vocal physiology stemming from research I conducted dealing with the muscles that come into play during the production of high notes. This book provides a wealth of information that can’t be found anywhere else about how high and low notes are produces, which muscles come into play and how they all work together to help you sing a HIGH C without straining. If you have any question about how to sing high notes or what causes your voice to break, this book will provide the answer.
You’ll also learn how to produce vibrato, how to breathe correctly for singing, how to create you own original style, and how to prevent laryngitis, colds and the flu. Can You Sing a HIGH C Without Straining? is an interactive digital book that comes with scores of vocal examples and video links. This means you can click on highlighted text and icons to play vocal examples and videos while you’re reading the book. You can purchase Can You Sing a HIGH C Without Straining? separately or as a package that comes with the 60 minute HIGH C Instructional Training Video and my groundbreaking book on nutrition for singers, Never Get Another Cold.
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