If you live in San Clemente and want singing lessons I’ve got good news for you. You’re really close to APPELL VOICE STUDIO! Taking Avenida La Pata off of Pico to Oso Parkway you can be at the studio in less than 20 minutes.
I’ve taught more than 4,000 singers how to sing a HIGH C Without Straining including Noodles from The Offspring (7 note range increase after second lesson), Pennywise, Of Mice and Men, Saosin, YouTube Superstar Tiffany Alvord (3,000,000+ YouTube subscribers – 7 note range increase on her first day of training), and YouTube Superstar David Frank (140,000+ YouTube subscribers). Give me a call and let me help make your dream of becoming a great singer come true!
You can train with me for fun just to improve your singing or take it all the way and let me help you become an artist. You don’t have to be a great singer to become a great singer! So many people miss this point and think that you have to sound epic on your own before it’s worth it to take voice lessons. Nothing could be further from the truth and the testimonials on my website confirm that I take people with average initial ability and turn them into vocal powerhouses. After you’ve got a great voice I can also help you with music production, video production, songwriting and marketing your music online.
I’ve been extremely successful with the singers I’ve trained but I don’t expect you to take my word for it. Please take a moment to check out the video testimonials of singers I’ve trained by clicking the testimonials tab above and see for your self the extraordinary improvement made by singers who train at APPELL VOICE Studio. Also, be sure and check out the music videos tab to see singers I’ve trained delivering killer vocals in covers or original songs I’ve written and produced.
If you’d like to take your voice to the next level give me a shout!
– Thomas Appell